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Keeping your design system synced: February product updates (and *N-SYNC puns)

We’ve introduced some big upgrades recently built to make it easier to work collaboratively and efficiently. Want to see?

Cloud authoring UI and workflow improvements

Stay aligned easier with improved collaboration features. With simplified syncing, cross-functional teams working collaboratively between local/direct Git workflows and the Knapsack cloud environment can be sure the version they’re working with is the most up-to-date.

Git <> Knapsack branch syncing

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Find yourself duplicating and deleting? Branches created in Knapsack are always in sync between the Cloud workspace and the underlying Git repo. Branches deleted in either place will cause the branch to be removed from the other.

Branches with open pull requests (PRs) are now more clearly labeled as under review in the cloud UI, and editors are able to continue making changes (additional commits) to the branch, updating the PR.

The branches that reviews have been requested for are clearly indicated now in the UI.

Menu separation and clarification

Branch actions (commit, publish, request review, discard changes, and delete) are now centralized in a single action menu with more clear language for cloud editors. 

In-app message and alert clarification

Action and error (e.g. merge conflict) messages have updated placement, behavior, and language to provide clearer direction to users.

Performance improvements

Updates to data requests to improve load time for branch menus, particularly in instances with high numbers of simultaneous active branches.

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